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Daisy Hill Garden Events

  • Spring Plant Sale and Birdhouse Auction
    Spring Plant Sale and Birdhouse Auction
    Date and time is TBD
    We will offer a variety of vegetable and flower plants for sale. We will also have our annual birdhouse auction with birdhouses painted by the Jayhawk class room
  • Corn Shelling Demonstration
    Corn Shelling Demonstration
    Thu, Oct 17
    Hilltop Child Development Center
    Stop by Hilltop's Daisy Hill Garden for a history demonstration where the kids can run an antique corn sheller and take home their own corn and cob for the squirrels. Donations are accepted and will go towards the garden fund!
  • Holiday Wreath Craft Class
    Holiday Wreath Craft Class
    Sat, Dec 09
    For $25, come decorate a holiday wreath with Mike in the new garden learning center. We will have hot chocolate and cookies. We only have limited spots. Check playground for more details.
  • Daisy Hill Garden Annual Plant Sale
    Daisy Hill Garden Annual Plant Sale
    Wed, May 03
    One day during this week we will have our annual plant sale. Lots of vegetables and we added flowers this year!!
  • Birdhouse Auction
    Birdhouse Auction
    Mon, May 01
    Hand painted birdhouses by the Jayhawks. Proceeds help with the improvement of the Daisy Hill Garden.
  • Daisy Hill Garden Annual Plant Sale
    Daisy Hill Garden Annual Plant Sale
    Mon, Apr 18
    Daisy Hill Garden
    One day during this week we will have our annual plant sale. Stay tuned for details!
  • Birdhouse Auction
    Birdhouse Auction
    Mon, Apr 18
    Hilltop Child Development Center
    Hand painted birdhouses by the Jayhawks. Proceeds help with the improvement of the Daisy Hill Garden.
  • Daisy Hill Garden Craft Sale!
    Daisy Hill Garden Craft Sale!
    Wed, Nov 17
    Hilltop Child Development Center
    This will be our last sale of the semester! We will have all of our craft projects available along with shirts. Perfect timing before the holiday season!
  • Farmer's Market
    Farmer's Market
    Wed, Sep 29
    Come see our new and improved farmer's market and gift shop! We will be selling a variety of vegetables along with some handcrafted gifts created by our kid gardeners!
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